Friday, September 9, 2016

A prince charming came into my room

For some reason, I’ve been waking up one time during the night for the past few days. Last evening, I went out of my room for a couple of minutes, leaving the door open. I hadn’t even repair on that; anyway, I knew I was not going to take too long outside.

When I came back, right in the middle of the dark corridor, with the dim romantic light of the crescent moon, he had sneaked into my room. One jump was enough to have him inside. Just as when love arrives, I couldn’t have time to think or hesitate. It was just like a crush that freezes you out, without knowing what to do. I was totally disconcerted, thinking why I hadn’t closed the door, but all these days I had been out without having this surprising visit. After hesitating for a couple of minutes if I should go inside, I decided to be courageous and get in, to deal and confront the situation, just like any compromised couple does.

I took the first step, without knowing what to do or what to say. I sat on my bed and started to smile and laugh, but some tears came out of my eyes. To be honest, I wanted to cry. It was just like the reaction brides have when they get their bridal dress. They feel happy but they can’t hold their tears. What a powerful feeling. And as more as I wanted to control it, the stronger the feeling became.

I didn’t want to see him. I turned my head just a couple of times to know where he was. I wasn’t brave enough to make eye contact. We were just there. Both sitting. Waiting. That awkward moment when you are fighting and silence takes over the place. Everything passed through my head: ways to fix the situation, going to a specialist to deal with the issue or just leaving the room and wait until next day. I was so confused. I just didn’t know what to do. Laughter and tears became more powerful and unstoppable.

After some minutes I decided to take the initiative and confront what was happening. But when I turned my face to see him, it was not there anymore. I didn’t feel the getaway. Shocked and confused I walked to my room door to see what had happened. Five meters far from me, in a corner, there he was. Quiet and resigned. His heart was bumping so fast that I could see the chest moving back and forth, heart going crazy with diastole and systole palpitations.

He just knew that it was not meant to be. I was glad and thankful to be understood. Silence had said everything. I really hope that that prince charming finds her princess, because at least now, I don't want to kiss any frog. 

Taken from:

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